Yep, that is coming as no surprise for me. Lilah had an appointment with her Nuerosurgeon, Dr. Aronin today. For some reason, in the back of my mind, I had this feeling that she would have to get another set of MRI's done- not for the fact that we could ever go one whole year without having any type of medical something done - but I have been noticing she is snoring more often, louder than usual, and her shirts are even more difficult to get over her head than they usually are.
Well, I tried to attach a chart to here, but couldn't get the points plotted like I wanted to, so here are some stats on her head circumference:
5 March 2008: 51 cm 50%tile
24 September 2008 : 54 cm 98%tile
75%tile *this was also one day pre-op*
7 Oct 2008: 53.6 cm 98%tile
18 November 2008: 54 cm 98%tile
18 November 2009: 56 cm
As you can tell, I do not know what percentile some of her numbers are, but going by what the other numbers are, they are higher than what they should be. If you were to see her numbers plotted on a chart, they would continue to peak and not curve smoothly like they should along the average curve (it does not matter if they are plotted on an average head chart or achon chart) the numbers just are curving right.
I am not sure what the next step is beyond her MRI's. Dr.Aronin wants to be sure that her brain is doing well, especially involving fluids on or around her skull and brain, and make sure things are developing the way they should be.
We picked a perfect time to move back home again! NOT! Although I do LOVE my family to pieces, and hate it when Trent has to leave- but her doctor is such a WONDERFUL doctor to have, and she knows what is going on involving her. Having to change doctors for only 6 months is very frustrating, especially considering what is going on right now- which no one knows! *BREATHE* that is what I have to keep telling myself! One thing at a time, one day at a time!
I will be sure to keep everyone posted as to what is going on, and how well she is doing. She is a trooper when it comes to getting MRI's done- I can't wait till she is at the age where she does not need them often and/or she does not have to be sedated for them! Grr, this tugs at my heart for her!
Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers! Thank you for the support, hugs and love to you all!