Monday, January 25, 2010

Lilah's Photography

Looks like I have a mini-me in the works! As an early Christmas gift, Trent brought home a Fisher-Price Kid Tough Digital Camera and she LOVES this thing!!! This is one tough camera and so easy for her to use! Here is some of her work, for the eyes of Lilah:

'Pawpaw in his chair'

'daddy and mommy'

'am I bothering you?!'

'holiday shoppers'

'backseat driver'

'pedal to the seat'



'happy Godmommy'

I am sure she will have many more photos to share real soon! It all depends on how fast mommy is to upload the photos before Lilah deletes them off the camera!


  1. So cute! She is quite the photographer, those are some great shots! My daughter Akela has this too and loves it!

  2. That is really cute! She is very good. Most of the pics had everyone centered properly. She needs to take some self portraits so we can see her beautiful face!

  3. So cute! She is a great photographer! I'll have to check out the camera for Simon since he is always trying to sneak taking pictures on mine.

  4. What fun ... Caden got the same camera for Christmas but he has problems reaching the button to take the picture, since Lilah can do it maybe we need to work harder at it. I thought maybe his little starfish hands weren't quite big enough. She is quite the photographer :0)
