Friday, September 12, 2008

Aboard the Ship!

So I finally decided to join the wagon-ship and start a family blog for the three of us. This should make it easier not only for me, but for family to keep up with daily, weekly and monthly happenings of our family. And I'm sure not everyone keeps all the eamils I have sent out and that makes it harder to keep up with all the new happenings. This will help us all check things out, reread and such.

Another plus is we are able to keep up with other families dealing with the same issues we are going through. Although I have not met some of the LP friends we have, I still talk about them and their experiences to help us cope and help my family and friends now more about what we are dealing with.

With all that said, welcome to our blog!

Trent, Sheri and Lilah


  1. Welcome! Now you don't have to keep explaining yourself on Facebook and Myspace all the time... LOL

  2. Sheri, I am so glad that you have joined our LP blogging family! Welcome!

  3. YEAH!!! I love reading about new families! Weclome to our ever growing family!! Lilah is beautiful!! I'll add you to the blog!

  4. Welcome to our blogging family! It's nice to have another LP to call a friend! My little boy is 13 months! Check him out! :)
