Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter and News

This year for Easter, we didn't do much. We went to church in the morning, and spent the day like a normal Sunday. We did give Lilah her Easter basket, but I didn't catch any pictures of it. 

The reason being, is we are still in potty training mode, and have decided to let her sans the training pants while at home. Yes, we have an almost nakey girl running around the house during the day! This makes things easier on all of us. We don't have to follow her to the potty to help pull her pants and undies down, and she doesn't have to wait and struggle with pulling her pants down herself. 

She is trying to learn to put them on by herself, and majority if not all the time, she can get them on and off. But have yet to fully master it all completely. With more time, she will completely figure everything out, and with some help. She's still very independent and like to do things for herself, so we let her try.

Oh, and she doesn't like to take a good smile picture for mommy! So these are the best that I was able to get!!!
Trying to walk away from mom while I snap the photos.
Doing a little twist both ways to be cute!
I am not sure what this is suppose to be!
Lilah also had a dentist appointment yesterday, and the dentist said that he teeth, so far, look good. She has another 4 teeth that need and should erupt before she is 3 years old. I do hope these cut like her other ones, in her sleep and without us noticing!!! She was a great teether, and we had no issues at all.  One concern the dentist did have is because her teeth are so close now, that when her adult teeth start to come in, they will be crowded also. As I have found out with other achon children, she will have some crowding, and we will have to deal with that, when the issue comes. For now, she has a healthy and bright smile! :)

On another note, Trent officially has a class date now. He will leave again in December, this year, for about 4 months. Fortunately this year, he will be able to come home for Christmas, but that will be out of pocket for us. It is worth the money though to have him home this year! If all goes well while he is in tech school, he will graduate on our anniversary next year! So, an anniversary trip to Florida this year! YEAH ME!!!


  1. Lilah is so pretty - love her dress!! The picture of her doing a little twist is too cute! Yay for potty training! That's great that all of her teeth look good so far!
    Congrats to Trent on officially getting a class date. That's great that he'll be able to be home with you gals this Christmas! It sounds like you'll have a great anniversary next year!

  2. I love all the pretty Lilah photos! She is too cute for words! Good job going potty Lilah! We found the sans panties worked best too! Good luck! Congrats to Trent getting a class date! Yay! Home for Christmas will be great! Woo hoo for a Florida anniversary too!

  3. What adorable pics! Caitlin's just starting to learn the twist thing - most of the time she just twists her face into this horrific grimace instead... LOL

    Great job with the potty! How old is she now? Caitlin's finally showing interest in the potty, but it's certainly not serious yet...

  4. Great job on the potty training. Preston needs help getting the pants on and off although he is getting better and better each day. Lilah looks so precious in her Easter dress-I love the little anklet socks. Adorable.
    I am so happy Trent will be home for the holidays this year! What a great early Christmas gift!!!!

  5. What a little cutie! I love her Easter dress! Congrats on the potty training progess, Trace is still very wishy washy about it. What great news for Trent (and you and Lilah)!

  6. Sheri!
    I love the pictures of Lilah in her dresses! She is a real life doll baby :0)
